Ghana, Ghana Innovation Journal, iBlitz

Xtellix unveils revolutionary quantum-neuromorphic algorithm for lightning-fast computations

Xtellix, a platform that uses a groundbreaking general-purpose algorithm for large-scale optimization, is set to release their new quantum-neuromorphic inspired algorithm. The new algorithm is a cost-effective alternative to quantum computing that physically implements neural networks in brain-inspired quantum hardware, leading to vastly increased computation speed. 

The algorithm can find the optimal or near-optimal solution to up to 1 billion decision variables in a fraction of the time and memory of conventional algorithms, reducing decision-making from hours or days to mere seconds. According to Dr. Mark Amo-Boateng, Xtellix has developed a platform with real-world applications in finance, research labs, drug discovery, logistics, energy grid optimization, mobility, routing, and artificial intelligence. Their algorithms can help companies and research teams complete massive computations in a fraction of the time, providing a significant competitive advantage in the finance industry and empowering research labs to reach key breakthroughs faster. The platform allows teams to solve some of the most complex problems in the world, delivering enormous benefits not only to companies but to society as a whole.

Xtellix is supported by global technology leaders, including Nvidia Inception, Microsoft for Startups, and Oracle for Startups. The platform is set to launch in early 2023, but early access is available on the Xtellix website. Companies who join the early access program can get three months of free access to pilot their solutions. Research institutions and universities can get a free academic license for non-commercial applications. Companies working on COVID-19 are eligible for 12 months of free access. 

Source: Yahoo Finance

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