Ghana, Ghana Innovation Journal, iBlitz

MinoHealth Al Labs launches a new AI-powered imaging and X-ray equipment for enhanced healthcare delivery

MinoHealth Al Labs launched an upgraded version of their AI-powered imaging and X-ray equipment, “ 1.4.1”. The kit offers improved performance and can diagnose up to 14 medical conditions, including Cardiomegaly, Pleural effusion, Aortic enlargement, Atelectasis, and Calcification.

The equipment also pinpoints the exact locations of these conditions using bounding boxes. It also enables general practice doctors to obtain preliminary diagnoses, thus reducing the burden on radiologists. The development will empower radiologists to diagnose patients by assisting in identifying and localising potential disease areas of the body. The equipment is essential in Ghana, where there are less than 100 radiologists, resulting in a conservative radiologist-patient ratio of 1:320,000. 

The CEO of MinoHealth Al Labs, Darlington Akogo, believes the introduction of the AI-powered imaging and X-ray equipment has the potential to transform the healthcare industry in Africa, providing accessible and affordable healthcare to all. MinoHealth Al Labs applies AI to biotechnology, oncology, regenerative medicine, and neuroscience for improved outcomes. 

AI has the potential for private sector development, estimated to be a 1.5 trillion dollar market by 2030. The company hopes to transform sectors in Ghana and on the continent by fully tapping into it. Patients can register to run X-ray tests on its platforms by using third-party authentication providers on Google and LinkedIn.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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